The Search
Welcome to “The Search.” The purpose of this program is to explore the proper method of examining the Bible to discover its meaning. We believe that the meaning of Scripture is synonymous with the truth and that loyalty to Christ involves the relentless pursuit of that meaning—both to know it and to be transformed by it.
Podcasting since 2022 • 138 episodes
The Search
Latest Episodes
"God Calls His People to Repentance" (Psalm 50)
Throughout their history, Israel needed to be rebuked by God. Psalm 50 discusses such a time when God gathered His people together to call them to repentance. They were guilty of both idolatry and immorality and God did not hold back in His dem...
Season 8
Episode 28

"Living and Dying in this World" (Psalm 49)
Psalm 49 is the last offering of a mini-series of psalms from the Sons of Korah. It's a wisdom psalm about the universality of death which focuses on the question of whether or not the rich have any advantage with God in the end. -----...
Season 8
Episode 27

"The City of God" (Psalm 48)
Why does the Psalter refer to Jerusalem as God's city? What made that ancient place unique and special? Psalm 48 is one of the Zion Songs and it offers insight into what God thinks about Jerusalem. ----------------------------Pleas...
Season 8
Episode 26

"For Israel and Beyond" (Psalms 46-47)
God is Israel's refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1), but He is also "the king of all the earth" (Psalm 47:7). In these psalms, God's work on behalf of His covenant people is celebrated and then expanded so that all the nations join the children of...
Season 8
Episode 25

"The King and his Bride" (Psalm 45)
The idea of a royal wedding evokes all kinds of grand and festive imagery. Psalm 45 is a wedding poem dedicated to the king and his new bride and there are many interesting and noteworthy concepts associated with this particular psalm addressed...
Season 8
Episode 24