The Search
Welcome to “The Search.” The purpose of this program is to explore the proper method of examining the Bible to discover its meaning. We believe that the meaning of Scripture is synonymous with the truth and that loyalty to Christ involves the relentless pursuit of that meaning—both to know it and to be transformed by it.
Podcasting since 2022 • 134 episodes
The Search
Latest Episodes
"The King and his Bride" (Psalm 45)
The idea of a royal wedding evokes all kinds of grand and festive imagery. Psalm 45 is a wedding poem dedicated to the king and his new bride and there are many interesting and noteworthy concepts associated with this particular psalm addressed...
Season 8
Episode 24
"A Nation in Crisis" (Psalm 44)
Psalm 44 documents a time when Israel has suffered a terrible military defeat. What are God's people to do when the nation is facing such a horrifying disaster? Consider with me the message of this interesting psalm.------------------------...
Season 8
Episode 23
"Bring Me Home, Lord" (Psalms 42-43)
Book 2 of the Psalter opens with a collection of psalms from the Sons of Korah. Psalms 42-43 were written by someone who had become separated from Jerusalem and was unable to return to the Temple. His heart's desire for home where he could once...
Season 8
Episode 22
“Blessed are those who consider the poor” (Psalm 41)
Book I of the Psalter closes with Psalm 41. Like Psalm 1, Psalm 41 opens with a beatitude: "Blessed are those who consider the poor/weak." One of the chief characteristics of God is His rescue of the poor. It is fitting that this last entry in ...
Season 8
Episode 21
"God Disciplines His Children" (Psalms 38-40)
One of the Christian's greatest privileges is the right to call God, Father. As a Father, God protects and provides for His children, but He also guides and disciplines them. David experienced divine discipline and wrote about that experience i...
Season 8
Episode 20