The Search
Welcome to “The Search.” The purpose of this program is to explore the proper method of examining the Bible to discover its meaning. We believe that the meaning of Scripture is synonymous with the truth and that loyalty to Christ involves the relentless pursuit of that meaning—both to know it and to be transformed by it.
Podcasting since 2022 • 118 episodes
The Search
Latest Episodes
"The Wicked Fool" (Psalm 14)
Who is the fool of Psalm 14? In this psalm, David describes those who have decided to live life without any regard for God and the outcome of that decision is dire both for them and others.----------------------------Please follow us on...
Season 8
Episode 8
"The Ideal vs. Reality" (Psalms 9-13)
Psalm 8 praised the creator God for elevating humanity by granting them glory, honor, and authority over His creation. However, if the world of Psalm 8 is the ideal, the lived experience of humanity is far from it. In Psalms 9-13, David laments...
Season 8
Episode 7
"God, Creation, and Humanity" (Psalm 8)
In Psalm 8, David ponders three incredible truths: the world as it was when God created it, the wonder of God's mighty power, and the honor and glory God bestowed upon humanity. It is an amazing psalm.----------------------------Please ...
Season 8
Episode 6
"A Prayer for Justice" (Psalm 7)
What is biblical justice and what does it sound like to pray for it? As David suffered unjust attacks, he often called upon the righteous judge to vindicate him and Psalm 7 is a perfect example of that kind of prayer.-----------------------...
Season 8
Episode 5
"A Prayer for Healing" (Psalm 6)
In this unique lament prayer, David believes he is near death. He asks God both for healing and deliverance on account of God's unfailing love and while most of the prayer displays David's despondency, by the end, his tone and demeanor drastica...
Season 8
Episode 4